
July 9th, 2009 . 4 comments

Earlier this week, I got a CT brain scan done, to get checked out for peace of mind after a sickness-induced seizure I had while away in Morocco. Fortunately, the result came back completely clean and normal, which is great, but as a nice bonus they also gave me the CT scan data on CD. So of course the first thing I did was load it up in OsiriX, have a look, and generate slices to load up in Blender!

It’s pretty amazing what sort of resolution they can capture, in just 512 x 512 x 400 voxels. Not only can it see deep inside, but it also resolves hair and skin pores as well – it’s fascinating. Once again, I’m reminded of how lucky and appreciative I am to live in a country where this sort of medical care is not only readily available, but free under the public health system too.

Images from OsiriX:

Image slice voxels in Blender:

§ 4 Responses to brain"

  • Charlie says:

    Certain irony that whilst working on volumetrics you end up having a scan! Very nice results for the scan and image.

  • RH2 says:


    Find any clues to your genius?

  • SCUEY says:

    I’m loading some fMRI (therefore lower res) image slices into Blender and it is spacing the images too far apart. I’ve changed the texture scale to fix this, but it’s only an estimate. Is there a way for it to detect the correct spacing?

    Excellent feature!

  • Matt says:

    no there’s not 🙂 It just generates a voxel grid, which then gets scaled to fit whatever texture mapping space you have set up in your material. The easier way to fix it is to just scale your bounding object on the Z axis to fix it manually. It doesn’t support unevenly spaced slices either.


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