3D Type, worldwide

March 6th, 2005 . 2 comments

Yesterday, Rob ‘phase’ Haarsma committed some code that Mika Saari and he had been working on to Tuhopuu Blender – a first revision of enabling Unicode characters in 3D text objects. Although usability-wise, it’s still a little cumbersome, it’s an excellent improvement that I’ve been hoping for, for a while now, and I bet these guys will be overjoyed, too. Now who can I bug about adding proper kerning and leading? Baseline shift? Would ligatures be too much to ask for? 🙂

a[euro]oeHelloa[euro]� in Japanese and Korean


§ 2 Responses to 3D Type, worldwide"

  • yamyam says:

    Hi matt, You think so, we overjoyed and enjoy this nice feature! 😉
    Some of crushes are still here, but I want to say happy! 🙂

  • Matt says:

    Hi, yamyam-san!

    It is indeed very good news. I guess it’s still at a very early stage right now – I hope it will become more user friendly in the future. If any coders in the Japanese community know about how to allow direct unicode keyboard input through the IME in Windows, Mac, Linux, etc. now would be a good time to look at the code and help out! 🙂

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