Car Paint

March 16th, 2005 . 9 comments

Update 2006.07.04: This faking method has now been made redundant with the material node system in Blender 2.42. Check out my new node-based method, with image, movie, description and .blend file.

Here’s a video tutorial about creating a car paint shader in Blender, in time for the Blender community F1 challenge. I tried to give a thorough explanation of the theory behind it, rather than just posting the .blend file on it’s own.

mpeg4 iconA Car paint (12MB MPEG4) A / A

.blend iconA Featured .blend file

Car paint shader example image

Live on Camera

August 22nd, 2004 . 6 comments

I bought a copy of the wonderful Snapz Pro X the other day, and wanted to put it through its paces with something practical. I’d been asked about the new inbuilt Glow effect in Blender 2.34 on the forums, so I decided to try my hand at making a couple of tutorial videos.

They’re in QuickTime MPEG4 format, but Linux people should be able to view them with mplayer or videolan too. Feedback would be appreciated, since it’s a first time for me!

mpeg4 iconA Glow Effect 1: Basics using the glow effect (5MB)

mpeg4 iconA Glow Effect 2: Isolating individual objects (7MB)

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